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HRTrainOnline is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for the SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP®.
1-hour educational program = 1 PDC.
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3-hour e-learning course = 3 PDCs.
Every human has ups, downs, disagreements, and achievements. We are quick to overlook the successes we have and focus on the tough times. Tough times require resilience skills to make it through the dark clouds of trouble to the morning when the sun comes up because it always will.
This webinar gives you solid information on how to overcome stressful situations, keep going in down time, be resilient and bounce back then celebrate your accomplishments.
You’ll build the skills to overcome disappointments, frustrations, and blocks to what you want to achieve.
Why you should Attend:
The toughness of diamonds can be used as an example for resiliency. Diamond is the hardest natural substance in nature. In this webinar you will learn to equate diamond toughness to being resilient and tough enough not to fracture and break from daily pressures.
Diamond has the highest melting point of any natural substance: 6422 Fahrenheit. Again, to be resilient, you need a high melting point enabling you to remain calm in chaotic situations.
In this webinar we will apply these two characteristics of diamonds to your life and help you develop diamond characteristics that empower you to bounce back from daily irritations and circumstances that cause stress in your mind, emotions, and body. Bodily stress shows up in four ways: physically, emotionally, cognitively, and behaviorally. Which is the most severe sign of stress in your body?
Attend this webinar and you will become more resilient as you learn how to:
- Be a victor, not a victim
- Let go of uncontrollable situations
- Turn disruptive changes into new directions
- Recommit to the end results
- Be diamond tough
This instruction on resiliency helps you take your life and career to new heights.
Areas Covered in the Session:
- Learn to define stress, eustress, and distress
- Recognize the flight or fight syndrome
- Reduce the effects of stress on the human body
- Rethink the mental and emotional stress strategies
- Exercise the power of choice
- Use the “relabeling” technique
- Overcome bitterness
- Live in the present
- Reflect and close out every day
- Separate distress from creative tension
You’ll learn to be resilient, bounce back from problems, and have the courage to move forward.
Who Will Benefit:
- Anyone struggling with stress in today’s world
- Individual contributors
- Managers at all levels who want to become resilient then help team members to be resilient
- Administrative personnel
- Team leaders
- Team members
- Project managers
- Engineers
- Managers at all levels of the company
- Executives
- Sales professionals
- Sales managers
- Customer service personnel
- Employees who are working from home for the first time
Karla Brandau is a thought leader in management and team building techniques. She trains managers to improve their relationship with the employees to earn their gift of discretionary effort. She specializes in personalities, communication skills, leadership principles.
She is the CEO of Workplace Power Institute and has educated mangers with her proven leadership principles in companies such as Motorola, Coca-Cola Enterprises, Panasonic, and BYD America.
She has a degree in education and is a Certified Speaking Professional, an earned designation given by National Speakers Association.
Karla’s book, How to Earn the Gift of Discretionary Effort, teaches managers how to be the leader people CHOOSE to follow, not have to follow because of their position on the organizational chart.