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Project Management Features of Microsoft Outlook

60 Minutes
6 months
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Recorded Version

$199. One Participant
$399. Group Attendees

Group Attendees: Any number of participants

Recorded Version: Unlimited viewing for 6 months ( Access information will be emailed 24 hours after the completion of live webinar)


Completing projects by the required deadline is a challenge for most project managers.

The deadline is often put in jeopardy at the very beginning of the assignment because you are spinning your wheels getting the project organized and assignments made to the right team member. This is like throwing money down the drain.

In contrast, you can put money in your pocket if you learn to use the project management features of Microsoft Outlook to their fullest extent.

A smart user of Microsoft Outlook knows it can be used almost like a programming language: if you know what you want to do in Outlook, you can probably find a way to make it respond and do exactly that.

In addition to the Assign Tasks feature, in this webinar you will learn how to customize the Tasks Folder for prioritizing and productivity, overcoming hurdles that delay the completion of tasks and projects while creating a methodical way to meet deadlines.

This webinar instruction helps project professionals launch, track, and manage projects with crystal clear deadlines and built-in checkpoints. The instruction highlights little used but powerful Microsoft Outlook features and documents the benefits of efficiently using them to keep projects moving forward to successful conclusions. By implementing the techniques, your project team will be better equipped for the challenges of the ‘do more with less’ business environment of the 21st century.

This instruction makes you efficient, effective and puts you in an elite circle of project managers.

Why you should Attend: Management guru, Tom Peters, asked, "How does a major project get to be a year late?" Then he answered his own question: "One day at a time."

Getting team members on the same wavelength, channelling their energy, and keeping them on track to finish on time takes meticulous planning and execution. In the planning and execution phase of projects, Microsoft Outlook is a valid and valuable tool. There is no need to purchase additional, expensive project management software.

Sign your project team up for this session and they will be able to keep their projects moving down the tracks at a steady speed and finish by the deadline.

This session teaches the secrets of making Outlook a tool for exponential productivity on a personal level as well as on a project team level. When the principles are implemented, you and your unit will gain company-wide recognition for completing projects on time.

Areas Covered in the Session: A key component of Project Management in Microsoft Outlook is learning about the Tasks Folder and how it relates to the Calendar and the Inbox.

With the task assignment feature in the Tasks folder, project managers can receive up-to-date information on the status of assigned tasks from each team member. Every team member will benefit professionally as they learn how to:
  • Use the tasks folder to organize complex work requests
  • Record and remember all assignments and deadlines
  • Prioritize delegated tasks and projects
  • Create new folders for a plethora of projects
  • Capture all details of every project
  • Customize column headings in Task folders enabling the user to view project-relevant information
  • Tailor reminder windows with REAL information
  • Identify the differences between the To-Do List, Tasks, and the To-Do Bar
  • Take advantage of the Assign Tasks feature
  • Record details and time spent on each assignment
  • Use the Tasks folder and the Calendar in tandem to plot mid-assignment checkpoints
  • Use Inbox features to help classify and sort project communications
  • Set up Quick Steps to speed up communication
  • Use Rules to automatically route project information
  • Take advantage of the Dictate feature in Outlook

Using the tips and techniques taught in this webinar will enable your entire team to stop spinning their wheels in unproductive activities. They will leave the office on time with a calm feeling that assignments are under control.

Who Will Benefit:
  • Project Managers

Karla Brandau is a thought leader in management and team building techniques. She trains managers to improve their relationship with the employees to earn their gift of discretionary effort. She specializes in personalities, communication skills, leadership principles. She is the CEO of Workplace Power Institute and has educated mangers with her proven leadership principles in companies such as Motorola, Coca-Cola Enterprises, Panasonic, and BYD America.

She has a degree in education and is a Certified Speaking Professional, an earned designation given by National Speakers Association. Karla’s book, How to Earn the Gift of Discretionary Effort, teaches managers how to be the leader people CHOOSE to follow, not have to follow because of their position on the organizational chart.

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