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Dealing with Difficult People

60 Minutes
6 months
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Recorded Version

$199. One Participant
$399. Group Attendees

Group Attendees: Any number of participants

Recorded Version: Unlimited viewing for 6 months ( Access information will be emailed 24 hours after the completion of live webinar)


We all have to deal with difficult people in our lives. It could be a coworker or irate boss, a family member, or that grocery store clerk who just doesn’t seem to want to have a good day. In all cases, it can be frustrating to have to deal with them and even exasperating to figure out how to best deal with them, without it ruining our day or causing us stress.

In this webinar, we will look at strategies to deal with difficult people and reduce our stress in interactions. We will look at what causes these difficult behaviors, and how to change our default reactions, to get better outcomes from these tricky people. We will look at techniques to deal with different types of difficult people. We will also discuss how to make yourself heard and make sure you are not railroaded by these challenging types of people and interactions.

Why should you Attend: Do you have difficult people you have to deal with at work or in your personal life? Are there people who continuously frustrate you with their challenging personality traits? Do you find yourself dreading interactions with specific people whose behaviors drive you crazy? In this webinar, we will look at how to deal with these difficult people so they don’t drive you crazy and so that you can have more positive interactions with them that generate more positive results.

Areas Covered in the Session:
  • How to manage our emotional reaction to a difficult person
  • Understanding where difficult behavior comes from
  • Understanding other’s maps of the world
  • Suspending assumptions
  • Dealing with specific difficult personalities
  • General techniques for dealing with difficult behaviors
  • Making yourself heard

Who Will Benefit:
  • Anyone in business who interacts with other people

Jenny Douras is President at AdvantEdge Training & Consulting. She has over 25 years of experience in management, employee development, operations, instructional design and training. Jenny has managed teams of up to 300 people across multiple states and countries, working with several Fortune 500 clients. From this experience she developed her Remote Employee Management Class. She also sat on the board of directors for the Rocky Mountain Chapter of the American Society for Training and Development for three years, and is an active member of the Colorado training community.

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