Bob McKenzie, has over 40 years of human resources management experience. His background includes a wide range of hands-on experience in all areas of Human resources management in all types of industries within the public and private sectors. Bob has been cited in a number of Human Resources trade publications. Among them are, HR Magazine, HR Florida Review,, BNA and the Institute of Management and Administration and the Business Journal. He has been a speaker at a number of conferences as well as audio and web-based seminars. Bob is a graduate of Rider University where he received a Bachelor of Science in Commerce Degree and double majored in Industrial Relations and Organizational Behavior.
19This webinar will look at the value HR brings to the organization and ways to transform HR to become a critical part of the business.
20Most, if not all of us, have been involved in negativity in the workplace. We all know that it often spreads quickly throughout the organization. In a matter of days, the workplace can become toxic.
25None of the other types of discrimination charges require a good faith effort to have an interactive process to determine if an individual with a disability is qualified for the job or whether an accommodation is reasonable.
28Last year, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the U.S. Citizens and Immigration Services (USCIS) released a new version on the I-9 form along with updated regulations for completing it. Some changes include allowing remote document verification but only if additional regulations are met. Make sure you are complying with these regulations and using the correct form.
The risks of a former employee filing discrimination charge increases significantly after they are terminated involuntarily.
The risks of a former employee filing discrimination charge increases significantly after they are terminated involuntarily.
The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is one of the most misunderstood employment laws in the country. Basically, it governs the payment of wages and who must be paid overtime.
Most, if not all of us, have been involved in negativity in the workplace. We all know that it often spreads quickly throughout the organization.