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Overview: Sounds pretty simple, doesn't it? When you do it right, Dealing With Difficult People drastically improves your life as you improve your working relationships with people who challenge you to the limits of your patience (yes, even the ones who make you tear your hair out - literally!). What will Deal With Difficult People do for you? It will:
  • Give you back control. As you gain new strategies and techniques for maintaining composure during difficult circumstances, you'll drop the victim role and take control, which means a huge improvement in individual situations as well as your entire working environment
  • Give you the tools you need. You'll have an easy-to-follow strategy you can use in any situation - designed to be realistic solutions to real problems you face in the workplace and at home
  • Give you immediate actions to take. Alleviate the stress and tension you've been experiencing by taking concrete actions, right away, to take control
So how do you do it? I know it's not easy. If Dealing With Difficult People were easy, everyone would get along, all the time. No one would be manipulative, and no one would feel bullied or belittled. But as you know, tense situations arise constantly.

You may think you've tried before to figure out how best to Deal With Difficult People. Maybe you read some books. Maybe you tried talking to your Difficult Person under different circumstances. Maybe you even invited him to coffee to talk it out.

Maybe you have tried - but have you tried Dealing With Difficult People MY way?
There are some very specific, very crucial components to Dealing With Difficult People effectively - and you may be overlooking some of them either because you don't know about them or because you don't realize their importance.

It's not your fault you haven't had success in the past, or that the situation at work has spiraled out of control. Very few people teach what I teach, which is a proven, working strategy you can apply immediately in any relationship or situation to handle the difficult people in your work life.

That's why I'm inviting you to join me as I reveal my system for taking back control of draining relationships at work - relationships that turn your dream job into a nightmare and put a rough cog in your otherwise well-oiled machine.

"Dealing With Difficult People" You are about to discover a system it has taken me years to develop - and you're about to gain all the information you need to create the work environment you REALLY want so that you can get back to orchestrating that seamless office symphony!

Whether you've read other books and bought other materials, without success, or are trying this for the first time, you'll discover strategies and techniques you can use in any relationship, whether it's at work or at home.

Why should you Attend: Is this really how you imagined your job would be?
When you made the decision to enter into your specific field, at the level you've chosen, - you probably envisioned playing a certain role in keeping an office, a department, or even an entire company running smoothly. Whether you imagined scheduling appointments, greeting visitors, planning and executing marketing plans, or hitting the streets raising money for your company's charity, you probably envisioned an office in which everyone worked together - each person playing his or her essential part in working toward a common goal - in harmony.

But then, you realized that as a member of an office staff comprising a variety of personalities, you deal with difficult people - daily. And you realized that these interactions can turn a dream job into a nightmare. Does any of this sound familiar?
  • You feel like you're constantly falling victim to customers who shout at you for doing your job, team members who take credit for your ideas, or a boss who blames you if he misses an appointment (even though you entered it into his calendar a month ago). What if you could learn to maintain control of each confrontation so that you didn't get railroaded?
  • When confrontations or difficult situations arise, you freeze. You may think of the proper response hours later, but at the moment, you're rendered unable to think, move, or. What if you could learn real, working strategies for saying the right thing, at the right time, in the right way, every time?
  • You definitely don't want to quit your job, but that one difficult person you work with is really affecting you - and you're not sure how much longer you can take it
  • What if you could STOP feeling trapped and scared and START feeling empowered to act in precisely the right way to stand up for yourself and end the bullying
  • You know you should respond differently in difficult situations, but you are afraid of the consequences if you actually speak your mind. What if you could learn to effectively diffuse tense situations, without losing your cool?
I have some good news: you are in the right place.
I'm Rhonda Scharf, your Workplace Efficiency Expert. I'm a highly experienced professional speaker with the Certified Speaking Professional designation.

As a member of the speaking Hall of Fame, I've spoken in dozens of countries to tens of thousands of people. I've consulted with some of the world's most recognized companies including Sony, Mercedes-Benz, the US Coast Guard, Exxon Mobil, Bank of Canada, all levels of government in Canada and the US, and hundreds more companies.

I'm not telling you all this to make myself sound good; rather, I want you to know that I've been there and done that. I am a real person, with real problems, who have generally figured life out - I'm like a friend who wants you to succeed - to create a working environment that nurtures effective communication, so everyone is on the same page - a page that leads to an efficient workplace. So what's my secret? Dealing With Difficult People.

Areas Covered in the Session:
  • 5 strategies for improving communication with difficult people - so you can end your frustration!
  • How to diffuse people who are angry, upset, or just plain rude, and how to calm tense situations
  • How these strategies will improve your reputation as a professional and reduce your stress
  • What motivates the attitudes and behaviors of difficult people (knowledge is power for future interactions!)
  • Techniques for giving feedback to difficult people to help correct or even improve their behavior (make it easy for you)
  • How to face life confidently, knowing you're up to any challenge (stop getting kicked around and increase your self-esteem)

Who Will Benefit:
  • All Employees
  • Managers
  • HR
Rhonda Scharf CSP, HoF Insightful humorous entertaining even contagious words that are often used to describe Rhonda Scharf. A speaker with the uncanny ability to look at the normal and see something quite different.

Rhonda is a Professional Speaker and member of the Canadian Speaking Hall of Fame, Trainer and Author, based in Ottawa. She has spoken to tens of thousands of people in dozens of different countries.

Rhonda will share some things she has learned to help you excel in your work environment, emerging at the end of the day with a smile and a sense of accomplishment. Audiences far and wide sing her praises for her relevant and useful tips on administration, communication and workplace effectiveness! From efficiency to the future of work; Rhonda has the info to help you thrive!

She knows how to make you laugh and she knows how to get you to question why you do what you do. Her natural warmth and sincerity are balanced by a healthy sense of the absurd, a combination that is useful in any situation.

Rhonda has written eight books, with her latest “Alexa is Stealing her Job” and her best-seller “Common Sense is NOT Common Practice” still available.

Rhonda’s professional speaking career began at age two… when her mother would offer her 25 cents to be quiet for five minutes!

Overview: How an organization deals with gossip can mean the difference between growing and thriving, or disintegrating from within. Office gossip is a fact of life - what you do with it is up to you. Come to this 60 min virtual meeting and find out the answers to your questions. Stop gossip in its tracks before it ruins your reputation!

Why should you Attend:
Gossip. It happens in every workplace and in every family. For some reason, we just love to talk about others. Until that conversation is about us. When we're the subject of office gossip, it no longer seems like harmless entertainment.

So, what do you do? Do you confront the gossip? Do you deny it? Do you ignore it?

Is gossip in the workplace really dangerous? Can it ruin your reputation? Should you take the "high road" and ignore it, or should you deal with it head-on?

Find out what to do and why you should do it. Don't "guess" at the correct way of dealing with office gossip - there is TOO MUCH at stake to chance.

Areas Covered in the Session:
  • Learning to Tell the Difference between conversation and gossip (you would hate to be an accidental gossip!)
  • Why it is wrong to the gossip (everyone does it!)
  • How can we protect against participating in gossip
  • What to do when the gossip is about you
  • Stop gossip in its tracks before it ruins your reputation!

Who Will Benefit:
  • All Employees
  • Managers
  • HR
Rhonda Scharf CSP, HoF Insightful humorous entertaining even contagious words that are often used to describe Rhonda Scharf. A speaker with the uncanny ability to look at the normal and see something quite different.

Rhonda is a Professional Speaker and member of the Canadian Speaking Hall of Fame, Trainer and Author, based in Ottawa. She has spoken to tens of thousands of people in dozens of different countries.

Rhonda will share some things she has learned to help you excel in your work environment, emerging at the end of the day with a smile and a sense of accomplishment. Audiences far and wide sing her praises for her relevant and useful tips on administration, communication and workplace effectiveness! From efficiency to the future of work; Rhonda has the info to help you thrive!

She knows how to make you laugh and she knows how to get you to question why you do what you do. Her natural warmth and sincerity are balanced by a healthy sense of the absurd, a combination that is useful in any situation.

Rhonda has written eight books, with her latest “Alexa is Stealing her Job” and her best-seller “Common Sense is NOT Common Practice” still available.

Rhonda’s professional speaking career began at age two… when her mother would offer her 25 cents to be quiet for five minutes!

Overview: Delivering Difficult Performance Reviews Employee performance reviews are important for everyone, but when things are not going well, they are uncomfortable and difficult. Telling an employee they are average when they think they are outstanding or letting an employee know they are on a performance improvement plan is something no one looks forward to doing. We feel anxious and uncomfortable. Our intentions are good when it comes time to deliver honest, and sometimes not favorable, performance reviews. Unfortunately, we sometimes execute them poorly.

We know our employees won’t be happy, we are worried about how they will react, and our nerves get the better of us. Yet, our jobs require that we know how and are willing to have difficult performance reviews.

In this session with Rhonda, you will learn how to deliver difficult performance reviews. You’ll be given an easy-to-apply framework to keep you professional and focused so you know exactly how to deliver difficult performance reviews.

Why should you Attend:
If you feel uncomfortable and uncertain, and prefer to avoid difficult performance reviews, this is the workshop for you.

Dealing with emotions (tears, anger, and denial) should be expected. But do you know what to do when they happen?

Areas Covered in the Session:
  • The Dos and Don’ts of Performance Reviews
  • Common mistakes and solutions to ensure you don’t fall into the trap
  • Effective ways to communicate negative information
  • Dealing with emotions during the review

Who Will Benefit:
  • Anyone in a position to deliver performance reviews (supervisors, managers, executives)
Rhonda Scharf CSP, HoF Insightful humorous entertaining even contagious words that are often used to describe Rhonda Scharf. A speaker with the uncanny ability to look at the normal and see something quite different.

Rhonda is a Professional Speaker and member of the Canadian Speaking Hall of Fame, Trainer and Author, based in Ottawa. She has spoken to tens of thousands of people in dozens of different countries.

Rhonda will share some things she has learned to help you excel in your work environment, emerging at the end of the day with a smile and a sense of accomplishment. Audiences far and wide sing her praises for her relevant and useful tips on administration, communication and workplace effectiveness! From efficiency to the future of work; Rhonda has the info to help you thrive!

She knows how to make you laugh and she knows how to get you to question why you do what you do. Her natural warmth and sincerity are balanced by a healthy sense of the absurd, a combination that is useful in any situation.

Rhonda has written eight books, with her latest “Alexa is Stealing her Job” and her best-seller “Common Sense is NOT Common Practice” still available.

Rhonda’s professional speaking career began at age two… when her mother would offer her 25 cents to be quiet for five minutes!

Overview: According to Jonathan Spira, interruptions cost the US economy almost $1 trillion annually and eat up to 28 billion hours each year. Clearly, in order to get work done, we need to manage our interruptions. But how?

Busy and productive are two different things. You can be busy and get nothing done. We need to be productive, and to be productive we need to figure out how to handle all the things that come our way each day; all the interruptions that derail our thought process.

It's pretty much impossible to get through a day with no interruptions, but managing them is the key to your improved productivity and sanity!

Why should you Attend: Have you ever had one of those days where you ran around like a chicken with its head cut off? You didn't have time for breaks, lunch, or anything on your to-do list? You were insanely busy, yet you didn't get anything done?

Interruptions. When we look at all the times we are interrupted each day, we are not surprised that we didn't get anything done, yet we are interrupted by "OUR JOB!"

Come to this webinar to find out what you need to do to manage those interruptions so that you can get work done!

Areas Covered in the Session:
  • The three-step process to managing interruptions at work
  • Control or eliminate self-distractions
  • Urgent vs Important and how to stay focused
  • Time blocking
  • The Pomodoro Technique
  • Managing uncontrollable interruptions

Who Will Benefit:
  • Manager
  • Supervisor
  • Team Leader
  • Executive
  • Director
  • Coordinator
Rhonda Scharf CSP, HoF Insightful humorous entertaining even contagious words that are often used to describe Rhonda Scharf. A speaker with the uncanny ability to look at the normal and see something quite different.

Rhonda is a Professional Speaker and member of the Canadian Speaking Hall of Fame, Trainer and Author, based in Ottawa. She has spoken to tens of thousands of people in dozens of different countries.

Rhonda will share some things she has learned to help you excel in your work environment, emerging at the end of the day with a smile and a sense of accomplishment. Audiences far and wide sing her praises for her relevant and useful tips on administration, communication and workplace effectiveness! From efficiency to the future of work; Rhonda has the info to help you thrive!

She knows how to make you laugh and she knows how to get you to question why you do what you do. Her natural warmth and sincerity are balanced by a healthy sense of the absurd, a combination that is useful in any situation.

Rhonda has written eight books, with her latest “Alexa is Stealing her Job” and her best-seller “Common Sense is NOT Common Practice” still available.

Rhonda’s professional speaking career began at age two… when her mother would offer her 25 cents to be quiet for five minutes!

Overview: In a world where you get results through teams and teamwork, holding people accountable is the key to real success. Yet accountability is seen as punishment by many people instead of a responsibility to do what they agreed to do. Without accountability, we have chaos and frustration. We know that people need to be held accountable in today's workplace; but when we don’t have authority, we struggle with what we can do and what we should do. This workshop will share exactly what you need to do and say to hold others accountable in a positive and professional manner.

Why should you Attend: When you need to get results through teams and teamwork, yet you don’t have the authority to say, "Because I said so".. this is the workshop for you. We want people to do what needs to be done because they know how it impacts them. We never want to rely on our authority or position in the organization to be the reason things get done.

Areas Covered in the Session:
  • Exactly what accountability is and what it is not
  • Why people fail to do what they said they would do
  • What you need to do to hold others accountable
  • Conversation tips that work; and identifying those which backfire
  • A proven and simple process to effectively hold people accountable
  • Learn how to develop a new context about accountability to get others to deliver agreed-upon results
  • Significantly increase responsibility/ownership & results
  • Eliminate the blame game/citing confusion/uncertainty for inaction
  • Build stronger, more positive & productive relationships

Who Will Benefit:
  • Managers/ Supervisors / Team Leads
  • Sales Representatives
  • HR Professionals
  • Support Staff
  • Any professional who needs to get things done without relying on authority
Rhonda Scharf CSP, HoF Insightful humorous entertaining even contagious words that are often used to describe Rhonda Scharf. A speaker with the uncanny ability to look at the normal and see something quite different.

Rhonda is a Professional Speaker and member of the Canadian Speaking Hall of Fame, Trainer and Author, based in Ottawa. She has spoken to tens of thousands of people in dozens of different countries.

Rhonda will share some things she has learned to help you excel in your work environment, emerging at the end of the day with a smile and a sense of accomplishment. Audiences far and wide sing her praises for her relevant and useful tips on administration, communication and workplace effectiveness! From efficiency to the future of work; Rhonda has the info to help you thrive!

She knows how to make you laugh and she knows how to get you to question why you do what you do. Her natural warmth and sincerity are balanced by a healthy sense of the absurd, a combination that is useful in any situation.

Rhonda has written eight books, with her latest “Alexa is Stealing her Job” and her best-seller “Common Sense is NOT Common Practice” still available.

Rhonda’s professional speaking career began at age two… when her mother would offer her 25 cents to be quiet for five minutes!

Overview: The transition from staff to "supervisor" can be daunting. You need to learn to thrive in a new supervisory role. Loaded with practical tools and techniques designed to enhance a new supervisor's leadership communication, delegation, and time management, as well as techniques to acquire the supervisor's mindset and image, this powerful 60-minute program gets results!

Becoming a manager might be a goal and a highlight in your career, but you know that comes with challenges. According to, almost 60% of managers aren't given any skills to help them manage. Being unprepared is not what you need.

In this workshop, you will gain the skills you need to manage your team the right way, and at the right time. Loaded with practical tools and techniques designed to enhance your communication, delegation, and time management, as well as techniques to acquire the manager's mindset and image, this powerful program gets results!

Why you should Attend:
You've got the promotion. You're all excited except there are a few things that you aren't sure how to handle. You want to be a great manager, but no one has told you how to be a great manager.

You want to maintain your friendships with your buddies, but you still need to be the boss! Most new managers learn the hard way by making mistakes.

Don't learn the hard way. Come to this workshop and learn how to be an awesome manager so you just don't survive in your new role, but so you thrive in your new role!

Areas Covered in the Session:
  • Critical skills to ease the transition from "staff" to supervisor
  • Discover powerful tools to manage "friends" and former colleagues
  • Master 3 tools to make communication easier, with everyone every time
  • Essential tools for tough conversations, performance feedback, and other supervisory challenges
  • Learn what never to say during a disciplinary conversation-hint it's not what you think

Who Will Benefit:
  • Senior Leadership
  • Managers/Supervisors/Team Leads
  • Sales Representatives
  • HR Professionals
  • Support Staff
  • Any professional who knows better listening will impact their lives
Rhonda Scharf CSP, HoF Insightful humorous entertaining even contagious words that are often used to describe Rhonda Scharf. A speaker with the uncanny ability to look at the normal and see something quite different.

Rhonda is a Professional Speaker and member of the Canadian Speaking Hall of Fame, Trainer and Author, based in Ottawa. She has spoken to tens of thousands of people in dozens of different countries.

Rhonda will share some things she has learned to help you excel in your work environment, emerging at the end of the day with a smile and a sense of accomplishment. Audiences far and wide sing her praises for her relevant and useful tips on administration, communication and workplace effectiveness! From efficiency to the future of work; Rhonda has the info to help you thrive!

She knows how to make you laugh and she knows how to get you to question why you do what you do. Her natural warmth and sincerity are balanced by a healthy sense of the absurd, a combination that is useful in any situation.

Rhonda has written eight books, with her latest “Alexa is Stealing her Job” and her best-seller “Common Sense is NOT Common Practice” still available.

Rhonda’s professional speaking career began at age two… when her mother would offer her 25 cents to be quiet for five minutes!

Overview: Difficult conversations are, well, difficult. Difficult for the person leading the conversation as well as difficult for the person on the receiving end. However, they don’t have to be hurtful, relationship-ending, or embarrassing. The ability to handle difficult situations and conversations is a skill that can be learned and improved.

As an HR Professional, it is required that you not only are willing to have those difficult conversations with your employees and coworkers but that you are able to ensure that relationships are preserved while having those difficult conversations.

This session with Rhonda will show you how. You'll be given an easy, and fun, framework to keep you ON THE RIGHT TRACK with those conversations that start with "We Need to Talk."

Why you should Attend: HR Professionals are the first line of defense (and complaint) in a company. All issues, problems, and personality clashes end up on your front door, and you are expected to deal with them.

How do you do it? How do you tell an employee that another employee has been complaining about them? How do you get them to be willing to not only go back to their job but not blow up at their coworkers because they are embarrassed and angry?

HR Professionals have the unenviable job of having difficult conversations. It won’t be easy. It won’t be fun. It needs to be done.

Areas Covered in the Session:
  • Improve your communication so that the conversations stay calm and respectful
  • How to take a potentially explosive situation and keep it calm for everyone involved
  • How to give positive and negative feedback and ensure your partner is receptive to what you are saying
  • What to say, how to say it, when to say it, all the while being in complete control of your emotions
  • How to frame your conversation so that everyone can maintain their pride

Who Will Benefit:
  • HR - Any Title
Rhonda Scharf CSP, HoF Insightful humorous entertaining even contagious words that are often used to describe Rhonda Scharf. A speaker with the uncanny ability to look at the normal and see something quite different.

Rhonda is a Professional Speaker and member of the Canadian Speaking Hall of Fame, Trainer and Author, based in Ottawa. She has spoken to tens of thousands of people in dozens of different countries.

Rhonda will share some things she has learned to help you excel in your work environment, emerging at the end of the day with a smile and a sense of accomplishment. Audiences far and wide sing her praises for her relevant and useful tips on administration, communication and workplace effectiveness! From efficiency to the future of work; Rhonda has the info to help you thrive!

She knows how to make you laugh and she knows how to get you to question why you do what you do. Her natural warmth and sincerity are balanced by a healthy sense of the absurd, a combination that is useful in any situation.

Rhonda has written eight books, with her latest “Alexa is Stealing her Job” and her best-seller “Common Sense is NOT Common Practice” still available.

Rhonda’s professional speaking career began at age two… when her mother would offer her 25 cents to be quiet for five minutes!